
31 March, 2012

Its that time of year again

The time of the year when notes come home from school begging for handmade items to sell on the 'Mothers Day Stall'.
How could I not oblige. Not only is it Jackson's Prep year, but also I needed (ok, really,really really wanted a distraction from uni work - just for a little while).
And who can say no to craft... well not me anyway.

So here are the first of my contributions.
Phone covers - more specifically, iPhone covers.

Lovely felt.

Cute as a button (and how I love buttons) felt hearts.

And a project that Jackson and I can both enjoy making.
(Not to mention I should protect my phone from its biggest danger, me).

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! I used to love going to the Mothers Day stall at primary school to get mum presents.
